Protect Yourself From HIV

Keep yourself and your sexual
partners safe with one pill a day
At Saban Community Clinic, we're committed to ensuring that everyone can enjoy safe and consensual sexual intimacy without fear. That's why we've taken strides to make PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), the leading medication that protects individuals from HIV before exposure, more accessible than ever.
PrEP is for anyone - regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation - who is HIV-negative and wants protection against HIV. With a single pill a day, PrEP can reduce your risk of HIV infection by up to 99%.
Experience peace of mind and protect your sexual health with our free two-week trial, because your safety and that of your partners matter.
Reduce your risk with PrEP

If you use it correctly, PrEP can reduce your chances of contracting HIV from sex by as much as 99%. PrEP also reduces your chances of contracting HIV from sharing needles by more than 70%.
PrEP can reduce your risk of HIV by up to:

No insurance? No problem.

• Complete the inquiry form below.
• Come in for a rapid, 1-minute HIV test.
• Go home with a 2-week supply of PrEP, all in the same visit.
• Now, you'll always be PrEPared!

Get started with PrEP TODAY
Complete this form and we’ll contact you

We’ll connect you with our pharmacy care team for your rapid, 1-minute HIV test and send you home with your FREE 2-week trial.
Find the care you need
Saban Community Clinic offers patients like you, an extensive range of services from medical, dental, and vision to our on-site pharmacy. We’re committed to supporting your health every step of the way.